

    Kendriya Vidyalaya NO.2 Uppal is unique in its own way with various activities and academic excellence. Students get right academic environment and safe place to learn. The initiators taken by the KVS to include every learner by focusing on differential abilities is being catered through the programmes such as Back to Basics, inclusive education, green school, swachch bharath, swachch vidyalaya, AEP and ACP, which lead us to the path of success.
    The student today is exposed to many deviations and distractions. Right use of smart phones is not known to them which in turn creates academic distractions. We share the National and Global concerns. The explosion of technology, exposure and access to this technology by the young learners as created a thread. We are addressing it through our programmes. The ability to pick and choose is being developed among the learners. Efforts are being made to smoothen the rough edges and mould the learners into sensitive, humane and dedicated global citizens.